Struga Poetry Evenings in its regular edition at recognizable locations


The Struga Poetry Evenings event, as one of the oldest and most significant world poetry festivals, will be held again this year, at the usual time at the end of August in its authentic edition at recognizable locations.

The ceremonial opening of the festival will be held again at the usual location, the plateau in front of the Miladinovci Brothers Culture Center, where the festival fire will be lit, and the ceremonial closing will be with the traditional reading of the Bridge of Poetry.

This year’s SPE laureate, the distinguished Japanese poet ShuntaroTanikawa, due to his advanced age (91 years) and health risks, will not be able to physically attend the festival. His son, KensakuTanikawa, a prominent Japanese composer and pianist, will receive the Golden Wreath on his father’s behalf.


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