The government lied, historical issues are still subject to negotiations


Kovachevski’s government shamelessly lied to the citizens that historical issues and topics are not part of Macedonia’s accession process to the EU. And like many things, they lied about this as well without batting an eye, says opposition VMRO-DPMNE on Wednesday.

The party points out that first Kovachevski convinced on June 30 that “Historical issues are not part of the negotiating framework and this is contained in this draft document (the French proposal)”.

“After Kovachevski, Minister Osmani also lied on July 2, “It is a lie that historical and bilateral issues were included in the French proposal.” But the truth is that it was these two who lied, and after them all the other officials from SDSM and DUI. They lied until the day came to find out the truth, unfortunately painful and difficult for Macedonia. Historical issues are unfortunately the subject of negotiations and this government is unfortunately the party that sells out historical figures and events. It quickly turned out that VMRO-DPMNE wasright when it said that Kovachevski and the government accepted a harmful proposal in which the obligations from the Protocol and the historical commission would lead the state to face either eternal negotiations or assimilation by Bulgarian dictate. Two days ago, the historical commission announced a package of decisions by which several historical figures, Tsar Samuel, Cyril and Methodius, Clement and Naum of Ohrid, are connected with the medieval Bulgarian state, and in addition, for Macedonia, it is foreseen to minimize connections with antiquity at the expense of increased study of the ancient Dardanians and Thracians. With this, almost the entire medieval history of Macedonia was connected with medieval Bulgaria. How Kovachevski and SDSM went about fulfilling the Bulgarian wishes will retouch the entire history in one year, so it will remain after that to adapt their personal biographies to the Bulgarian demands,” reads the party’s press release.



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