Illegitimate PM, do you know that all European nations are proud of their centuries-old heritage, and that is exactly what you are taking away from Macedonians, says Kovachki


Illegitimate Prime Minister, you have not been to the elections, do you know that all European nations are proud of their centuries-old heritage and do you know that this is exactly what you are taking away from the Macedonians and that their dignity has been trampled precisely because of the rejection of their own roots by you personally and your boss and newly profiled electricity trader, ZoranZaev, points out DraganKovachki from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE in his address to Prime Minister Kovachevski.

“You lie a lot and hide behind the EU agenda, and you don’t work and steal as if we were a country in Africa. No one believes anything you say, you don’t even believe yourself, that’s why you repeat like parrots that you will have 80 MPs to change the Constitution”, adds Kovachki.

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