Only three percent of agencies sell Macedonia as a tourist destination


A new model for subsidies in domestic tourism that will generate more than half a million overnight stays in the next two to three years, the Agency for promotion and support of tourism proposes. The model is based on the categorization of accommodation facilities.

One of the proposals of the Agency, in order to reach the number of 500,000 to 700,000 overnight stays, is to pay K-15 to all employees in the country as a voucher for vacation (accommodation) in domestic tourist facilities, and then to offset them with the tax of profit or any other tax. According to the director of the Agency, Ljupcho Janevski, the domestic market has proven to be very significant and has been in constant growth for the past three years. If you look at the results of the first half of 2022, there is an increase of 20 to 25 percent compared to last year, which is a continuation from 2020. But only three percent of domestic tour operators sell the country as a destination.

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