Nikoloski tells V4NA: Macedonians demand from the EU the same treatment as it gave to other member states


Macedonians will be able to decide on the friendship agreement with Bulgaria in a referendum. The largest opposition party in the country is collecting signatures for the initiative. The agreement signed with Bulgaria in 2017 is the basis of Sofia’s demands, says VMRO DPMNE. Bulgaria has been vetoing the beginning of Macedonia’s accession negotiations with the EU for years. Macedonians demand from the EU the same treatment as it has given to other member countries that have already joined the bloc, said VMRO Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski in an exclusive interview with the V4NA news agency.

“The largest Macedonian opposition party decided on September 5 to initiate a referendum on the previous friendship treaty with Bulgaria. That document was signed by the then Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and his Macedonian colleague Zoran Zaev. The treaty was supposed to resolve relations between the two countries, but Sofia blocked Macedonia’s path to the EU for years and vetoed the beginning of the country’s accession negotiations,” Nikoloski said.


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