Misajlovski: Xhaferi privatized the Parliament and made up ridiculous reasons to reject the Referendum Initiative


Talat Xhaferi privatized the Parliament and once again the Government showed that it is afraid of the people and therefore they were forced to make up ridiculous reasons to reject the Referendum initiative, pointed out f VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Vlado Misajlovski at a press briefing on Wednesday.

“The job of the Parliament Speaker is not to interpret the Constitution, that is the job of the Constitutional Court. The rejection of the Referendum initiative is due to fabricated and illegal reasons. A referendum at the state level can be called for the need for ratification of international agreements and for other issues within the competence of the Parliament. This is Article 24 of the Law on Referendum, which Talat Xhaferi violated yesterday with his decision to reject the Initiative for Calling a Referendum to annul the Law on Ratification of the Treaty with Bulgaria,” added Misajlovski.

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