VMRO-DPMNE: According to which NATO standard does SDS Arachinovo recruit professional soldiers?


Scandal and shame, the party led by the deserter Kovachevski recruits professional soldiers through municipal branches, said VMRO-DPMNE, as a reaction to the notification to the members of the SDS from Arachinovo, published on the Facebook page of the Arachinovo branch of the party, where it is said that everyone who responded to the advertisement for professional soldiers in the army, to call the president of SDS Arachinovo, said VMRO-DPMNE on Wednesday.

“This is an embarrassment for the Macedonian army. This is proof that SDS makes everything about party loyalty, from the hygienist to the minister. Their mouths are full of standards and NATO, and advertisements for professional soldiers pass through a headquarters filter in a branch like Arachinovo.

Where is Defense MinisterSlavjankaPetrovska, where is the deserter Kovachevski to tell according to which NATO standard the SDS branch in Arachinovo recruits professional soldiers in the ARM,” VMRO-DPMNE added.

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