Government must fully accept our proposal, to include water and utility companies in the Law on Energy, says Micevski


The MP group of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition submitted on Thursday a request to Parlaiment to hold an emergency session at which the proposed law that we submitted, which refers to the Energy Law, will be considered. After Kovachevski’s press conference Wednesday night, we saw that the Government simply rewrote parts of the proposed measures that we offered, but we think that what Kovachevski presented is not enough, said the coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE MP group Nikola Micevski on Thursday.

“Among the measures that Kovachevski presented at the press conference, Micevski says, we heard that educational and public health facilities will receive cheaper electricity, but by chance or not he left out the water and utility companies that, due to high electricity prices, have problems with liquidity that in the next period can lead to higher bills for households and the economy,” Micevski said.

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