Kovachevski: We exist thanks to the October 11 victorious uprising and ASNOM, our battle today is to continue on the path of peace and progress


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, on the occasion of the national holiday, the Day of the People’s Uprising – October 11, spoke at the solemn event in Kumanovo at the Ossuary under the slogan “Always on the right side of history”.

“What we do today determines where our children and our country will be tomorrow! The victorious anti-fascist national liberation movement, at the first meeting of ASNOM, formalized the ideal for the Macedonian state and we as citizens are and must be eternally grateful. We continue their path in the same direction, choosing the progress and peace of the country and creating a better life for the present and future generations. United, on the right side we move forward. Let’s make our greatest victories as in the past the greatest successes in the present and the future,” said PM Kovachevski.

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