Minister Spasovski: The FRONTEX agreement guarantees that we will respond to common challenges with the EU with joint forces


The benefits of the Cooperation Agreement in border management between FRONTEX and Macedonia, after the EU Council made a decision to sign this act, which will also be translated into the Macedonian language, were one of the topics discussed with the Minister of the Interior, Oliver Spasovski, on a political show on TV Plus.

The minister explained that it is a border management agreement, popularly called an agreement with Frontex, for which the EU Council has already made the decision to sign, and it is expected that the first government session will be reviewed and the Minister of the Interior will be authorized to implement the signing, with talks already underway to harmonize the signing agendas.

“I expect that the first week or the first ten days of November the contract will be signed with the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs. This will be a huge success, but also a huge tailwind in terms of internal affairs. First, this agreement is significant because it was signed in the Macedonian language; second, it will be an agreement that strengthens the relations between the EU and the country; and third, due to the fact that through this agreement we will jointly participate in securing the borders for migrations and for all aspects that mean good border management, dealing with migrant waves, but also in the joint fight against cross-border crime,” said Spasovski.


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