Certain ministers and security structures finance pro-Russian media, claims VMRO-DPMNE official


The Mayor of the municipality of Aerodrom, Timcho Mucunski, in an interview with Radio Leader, stressed that there is a suspicion that comes from outside Macedonia that Government representatives, certain ministers and certain security structures in Macedonia using state resources in a specific situation and a joint stock company in a dominant state ownership funds media that are so-called pro-Russian media.
“What worries me is after several conversations with relevant international representatives, here in your show we can say that there is a suspicion that comes from outside Macedonia, that government representatives, certain ministers and certain security structures in Macedonia are using state resources in a specific situation and a joint-stock company in dominant state ownership finances media that are so-called pro-Russian media, that spread a propaganda contrary to the interests of us as a NATO member country,” Mucunski pointed out.

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