Levica files charges for “theft of electricity” in Arachinovo


Opposition political party Levica submitted a criminal charges to the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office Skopje for theft of electricity, thermal energy or natural gas, provided for and punishable under Article 235-a of the Criminal Code against an unknown perpetrator from the Municipality of Arachinovo.

According to EVN Home, there is no electricity in the municipality of Arachinovo due to a breakdown of the load on the substations, which occurred due to the illegal use of electricity by some residents. The Minister of Economy Bekteshi then stated that the electricity losses in Arachinovo are up to 80 percent, due to wild connection to the networks. At the height of the world energy crisis, it is unacceptable that a certain number of residents do not pay their bills, to the detriment of those who properly do so – nor that the residents of the municipality who conscientiously fulfill this obligation face potential disconnection due to those who fail to do that. The Prosecutor’s Office should not wait for permission from DUI and SDS to act, said Levica.


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