Macedonia has the highest inflation compared to the countries in the region


Inflation in Macedonia is 19.8%, and thus the highest in the region of the former SFRY, Slovenia has almost twice smaller inflation as Macedonia, i.e. only 10%. Inflation for food and beverages is 32.4% in Macedonia and 17.2% in Slovenia. Statistics show that in Slovenia, with twice as high wages and a much stronger standard of living, the growth in prices is lower than in Macedonia, said VMRO DPMNE in a press release on Tuesday.

In Macedonia, the people feel the highest inflation in the region. The comparison is the same with Serbia where inflation is 14% and Croatia with inflation of 12.8%. This shows that above all the high inflation in Macedonia is the result of the government’s inability to deal with the shocks, but also the lack of work in the past 5 years.


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