Government should immediately start applying the new Law on Associations and close “Tsar Boris III”, instead of sending it to the Venice Commission


VMRO-DPMNE proposed a law in the Parliament which has been voted and should start to be applied soon, noted VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, asked to comment on yesterday’s announcement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, that the new Law on Associations and Parties, will be sent to the Venice Commission for evaluation.

Mickoski stressed that if the Government does not know how to start applying it, he will help them, adding that it should start with the club in Ohrid, which bears the name of a proven Nazi collaborator.

“Tomorrow they should close the Tsar Boris III club in Ohrid and cancel the registration of that club, because it is obvious and clear to all of us that it bears the name of a fascist collaborator, more precisely, a Nazi collaborator during World War II,” Mickoski said.

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