While managing the energy crisis economically, we have to monitor what is happening on the market and if the market has electricity whose market price is lower than the production one, it cannot be allowed to produce it at a higher price. That’s why a temporary electricity import is conducted, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi said Friday.
“We assure that we will have enough electricity until the end of the year. The current operation should not affect everyone because at the end of the day the energy balance will be the one we said a few months ago with the plan until the end of the year. From January we will see how we will proceed further, but we have proven before that we deliver what we promise,” said Bytyqi in response to a media question before the start of the Balkan Economic Forum in Skopje.
The minister pointed out that there will be no major problem with electricity and emphasized that all preparations are being made to start production in December with all available domestic capacities.