Mickoski: With SDSM’s government, Macedonian companies pay more than three times the price of electricity


 The Government is not telling the truth when it says that inflation is imported and that it subsidizes the price of electricity for citizens and the economy, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski said in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

With this SDSM-led government, Macedonian companies are paying more than three times the price of electricity compared to the period of the government of VMRO-DPMNE. Inflation, high prices, crime, corruption and ignorance are the results of SDSM/DUI work. A new government is needed to end this agony and economic tsunami. Early elections are needed to end Macedonia’s defeats. There is hope, we have the knowledge, and change is needed for Macedonia to start winning,” reads Mickoski’s post.

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