IMF approves first tranche of EUR 110 million out of the EUR 530 million PLL

  1. Macedonia receives the first tranche of 110 million euros from the last approved loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of the 530 million euros through the Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL), the Macedonian Ministry of Finance announced on Wednesday. Previously, the IMF Board of Directors of approved the loan for Macedonia under the Precautionary and Liquidity Line.

According to the Ministry, the funds are for dealing with “the shock that comes from outside, for supporting citizens and companies and stability in the supply of food and energy”. The Ministry adds that the rest is provided only as a precaution and a reserve for the country. According to the announcement from the Ministry of Finance, the funds that the country will withdraw this year will be used for the policies foreseen by the rebalancing of the budget related to the energy crisis.

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