Levica contests bilingual police uniforms before Constitutional Court


Levica on Thursday submitted an initiative to the Constitutional Court to evaluate the constitutionality and legality of the decree with which the Government of the Republic of Macedonia practically introduces bilingualism on the police uniforms. We believe that such a decree, as a general by-law of the Government, is in contradiction with the Constitution, with other by-laws, with the Law on Languages, the Law on Internal Affairs, as well as the Law on Police, pointed out Rexhep Ismail-Haktan, a member of the opposition party Levica leadership.

“This is another degradation of the Macedonian language and a blow to the Macedonian identity. Practically, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia not only trivializes the Macedonian language and degrades the Macedonian identity under the pressure of international relations, i.e. accepting the Great Bulgarian chauvinist demands, but on its own initiative, without being pressured by anyone from the outside, deliberately denigrates the Macedonian language and puts him in a subordinate position, and that directly violates the Macedonian identity”, the Levica member pointed out.

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