Private bus companies’ protestto last until their demands are met


The private bus companies involved in the Public Line Transport are protesting with more than 30 buses on Monday starting 7:00 a.m. by completely blocking in all directions the crossroads at “Mavrovka”, i.e. the boulevard “GoceDelchev” and the boulevard “KrstePetkovMisirkov”. The private city bus company”SlobodaPrevoz” says that the duration of the protest has not been determined because it is planned to last until the demands are met.

They announce that if their demands are not resolved quickly in the coming days, the blockade will be extended to other parts of the roads in Skopje. As part of the activities to solve the current problem, today “SlobodaPrevoz” should have a meeting with the JSP Board, and also representatives of the private bus companies will attend the session of the Council of the City of Skopje.

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