The editorial office of news portal NetPress received a message with elements of a threat on its official Facebook page, and according to the content, it is assumed that it is a reaction to the information about an incident in Arachinovo, Skopje.
The message received from the profile of a certain Shenol Maslani, reads “Don’t grab people by the neck just for likes, you are grabbing yourself by the neck… don’t exaggerate with fake news… they ran away, where are you going to hide”.
NetPress assumes that the threat was sent in connection with the information about the incident in Arachinovo, Skopje. That is, the part “THEY RUN AWAY”, can be assumed to refer to the police officers in Arachinovo, which confirms information, for which the Ministry of the Interior has not yet given any explanation to the general public.
Earlier today, the NetPress editorial office received information from sources who wished to remain anonymous that on Friday in Arachinovo, four police officers at a police station stopped a vehicle driven by a person without any valid documents. The person insulted the police officers, after which he ran away from the scene.
According to the same sources, the person was the son of a policeman, and later an armed group went to the police station in Arachinovo, after which the police officers were ordered to immediately leave the station and retreat to the Gazi Baba Police Station, but after they felt unsafe there, they ran away and out of fear they still do not report the case.
The editors asked for a reply from the Ministry of Interior, the ministry representatives said that such a case has not been reported to the headquarters, but they asked us to send an e-mail, so that they can check if there is a report in the police stations. So far, the editorial office has not received any answers.