. Spasovski – There is a report that police officers in Arachinovo behaved inappropriately


The Minister Interior Oliver Spasovski said Friday that there was no report that an
armed group attacked police officers from the checkpoint in Arachinovo Thursday
night. On the contrary, as the minister said, there was a report that police officers in
Arachinovo behaved, as he says, inappropriately.
“So far, we have not received such a report, neither from police officers that
someone threatened them and chased them away, nor from citizens, although there
is a report at the police station for misconduct by the police officers who were at the
station,” Spasovski said in response to a media question.
According to the minister, it was exaggerated that there were threats with weapons
and that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is working on securing official material.

“The fact is that a lot of information has appeared in the public in the past period to
which we will have to react,” the minister said.
Since last night, unofficial information appeared in the media that a police patrol was
forced out from Arachinovo in Skopje by an armed group. The event is not
confirmed, because it was not reported.
VMRO-DPMNE released its reaction to the case later on.

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