Levica: Bilingualism is unconstitutionally imposed on businesses!


It is unconstitutional the obligation imposed on all businesses in the country by the new Law on Consumer Protection, adopted in a shortened parliamentary procedure with a European flag, to write the packaging, stickers, certificates, declarations, guarantee sheets and other documentation of the products in the Albanian language and its alphabet, said opposition party Levica on Monday.
“The ruling SDS, serving their national-chauvinist coalition partner DUI, continues with policies that degrade the meaning of the Macedonian language and threaten the unitary character of the state, imposing an unconstitutional obligation for businesses to use the Albanian language in their operations!
This represents an unnecessary and disproportionate burden and expense for micro and small traders, but also an unconstitutional obligation for the mandatory use of a minority language and for private entities!”, said the party.

Levica announces that in the coming period it will initiate changes in the Consumer Protection Law in order to remove these contradictory and illogical legal obligations, which, if not adopted by the majority in the Parliament, will be contested before the Constitutional Court.

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