Green lending growth accelerates in the third quarter of 2022


Green lending growth accelerates in the third quarter of 2022, reaching 17.7%%. Green credits are intended for projects that support sustainable, environmental goals, or goals that contribute to the green transition in society, such as the development of new environmental technology. In the third quarter, the share of green loans in total loans increased, from 2.7% in the previous quarter, to 3.1%, that is, by 0.4 percentage points. Although the data show favorable changes, there is still room for a further increase in the share of greens in total loans.

In the third quarter, the green credits of the corporate sector and households reached 12,876 million denars, that is, they increased by 31.5 million euros in one quarter. The growth of green lending is mainly due to the loans of companies, which participate with 5.8% in the total loans granted to the corporate sector. The growth of green loans among households is lower and they participate with only 0.7% in the total loans of the “households” sector.

Climate change has a negative impact on economic growth and inflationary pressures, especially in less developed economies, that is why more and more central banks see green financing as part of their mandate, NBRM informed on Friday.



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