Kovachevski: All stakeholders should equally contribute to solving corruption


Corruption is a threat to the functioning of the system, the rule of law, the budget, economic development, and the standard of living of citizens. All stakeholders, equally within their powers, should contribute to solving this major issue, Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said on the occasion of December 9, 2022 – International Anti-Corruption Day.

In a Facebook post, Prime Minister Kovachevski said that the prevention and suppression of corruption is high on the government’s agenda.

“The single approach and commitment is key, the Government has the political will to ensure respect for the law and responsible handling of crime and corruption by promoting and respecting the established mechanisms such as an independent budget, drafting legal solutions harmonized with the EU and non-selective fight against corruption,” said Kovachevski.

The PM adds that as a country that has started negotiations with the European Union, we must jointly redouble our efforts and dedicate ourselves to solving the problem of corruption, because as the Prime Minister says, “no one must be above the law, and citizens deserve to live in a democratic society with European values ​​and functioning”.


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