Dr. Zhan Mitrev withdraws the lawsuit against IRL


Today is the day of Christ’s birth. Today is the day when the hope was born that good will overcome evil. Today is the day when we choose to forget anything bad that had happened to us. Today is the day when we wish everyone only well and forgive everyone who did us harm, says Dr. ZhanMitrev, and decided to withdraw the lawsuit against the Investigative Reporting Lab – IRL medium, which, as he says, presented falsehoods about him.

“Last year, I was wronged through untruths made public. As my reaction to these accusations, I filed a lawsuit against the medium where untruths were presented about me. It was not my intention to argue or to harm the media, as I was wronged. My goal was to show the truth. But the judgment of the public and of God will judge all injustices. On this day, a great Christian holiday, it is time for forgiveness. That’s why I decided to withdraw the lawsuit. Jesus is born. Merry Christmas,” says Dr. Mitrev.

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