Misajlovski: Many of the Albanian politicians who came out against the Government in their campaigns will now be part of it


VMRO-DPMNE Vice-President Vlado Misajlovski, in an interview with Alsat TV commenting on the possible joining of the Alliance for Albanians to the Government, stressed that it was very bad that there will almost be no Albanian opposition left in the Parliament, and the biggest percentage of Albanian politicians who came out against DUI and against the Government in their campaigns will now be part of that Government.
“It is very bad that almost no Albanian opposition will remain in the Parliament, but in the society, as well. Only BESA will remain with 2 MPs, as one of them has already left. Thus, the largest percentage of Albanian politicians who in the campaign came out against DUI, but also against the government, will now be part of that Government,” said Misajlovski.
According to the opposition MP, the Alliance for Albanians joining the Government is a very wrong decision because during the election campaign all their rhetoric was against DUI, and now they are saving this party.

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