Bekteshi does not expect electricity prices to go up as of July 1, but it is uncertain whether the 10 percent VAT will remain


The Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi does not expect the prices of electricity to increase as of July 1, 2023. Analyzes are already being done to change the method of calculation, and one of the possible measures is to continue with 10 percent VAT instead of 18 percent in electricity bills.

“In coordination with ERC, the faculties and other experts, analyzes are being made of certain options, in order to change the way of calculating the price, in accordance with the capacities we will have in May and June. I am convinced that all decisions will be in the direction of preserving the standard of living of citizens and supporting small and medium-sized companies, which means that we do not expect an increase in the price of electricity starting July 1,” Bekteshi said at a meeting with the media.

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