Dutch ambassador told us to close our noses and swallow the constitutional changes, even though the proposal is not perfect


The ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Dirk Jan Kop said on Thursday in Macedonia that one should close one’s nose and swallow the constitutional changes. He admits that the proposal is not perfect, but says that it will take the country to the EU.

According to the results of the Eurometer survey, conducted by the Brima agency from December 12 to December 27, 2022 on a representative sample of 1,006 respondents, a high 72 percent of them believe that Macedonia is moving in the wrong direction. In terms of fundamental social values, 61 percent believe that there is no democracy. Skepticism regarding Macedonia’s joining the European Union has increased.

When asked – what is the EU’s attitude towards Macedonia, 65 percent think that it is unfair and blackmailing.

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