Dimitrovski on adding Bulgarians to the Constitution: This would be the only minority in the world that will be given the legitimate right to deny the majority


The former Deputy Minister of Local Self-Government, Zoran Dimitrovski, in an interview with Radio Leader, speaking about the aspects and consequences of the inclusion of the Bulgarians in the Constitution of the Republic of N. Macedonia, stressed that with such a move, the Bulgarians would become the only minority in the world that would have the legitimacy to deny the Macedonian people that is the majority.

“You want the minority to become part of the Constitution in Macedonia, the Bulgarians to become part of the Constitution, they say as a constitutional nation, not as a minority that will have the right to deny the majority people, because that is what it is all about. It is about their rhetorical, but also political idea that the Macedonian people are a creation of the Comintern. To give legitimacy to a minority right to deny the majority people, you do not find that anywhere in the comparative history or political science of minorities in the world. It will be the only minority in the world that will be given the legitimate right to deny the Macedonian people,” said Dimitrovski.

Dimitrovski points out that he is concerned about the anti-ethnic policies led by the Government and that if such policies are continued, ethnic engineering will still follow, artificially changing the ethnic map in Macedonia.

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