Spasovski: Forty-eight percent of management positions are entrusted to women in the Interior Ministry


Within the Ministry of Interior, 48 ​​percent of management positions are entrusted to women. The fulfillment of the principle of representation of women in management positions is also evident within the Public Security Bureau, said the Macedonian Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski on Wednesday.

“Thus, women are in leadership positions in Departments such as assistant directors, chiefs, commanders of police stations or police departments, women are also included in the Department for Special Police Operations, more precisely in the Rapid Deployment Unit, the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit “Tiger”, women are showing their top professional performance in the Aviation Unit Department and the Intervention Police Unit, which was not the case before. The new Collective Agreement between the Ministry of Interior and the Macedonian Police Union is the first collective agreement in the state administration in our country, which uses the gender dictionary and terminology, and which also provides for monetary compensation in the amount of 100 euros in denars for female employees of the Ministry of Interior who will realize as mothers, for each newborn,” said Spasovski in a Facebook post.

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