Constitutional amendments will not be delayed, claims Macedonian PM


The constitutional amendments won’t be delayed. By setting up an expert group its work will practically start the process, which will then enter procedures that are defined by law, Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Wednesday.
“I believe that our country has the capacity, first of all, democratic capacity, but also European capacity and vision, and this decision to continue our European path will not be a hostage to the personal career of just one person in the country, who is ready for the sake of his personal seat to risk interrupting a process that means ensuring full-fledged membership in the EU, which brings with it increased investments, salaries, a higher standard of living for citizens, top institutions, top European legislation, here in our country because our citizens want and deserve to live in the EU, but here in our country and not in a foreign country,” Kovachevski said.

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