According to Osmani, politicians’ salaries are small, but they should be the last on the list to be increased


It is necessary to increase the salaries of politicians, because they are low, and this is an important issue in the fight against corruption and for attracting better quality staff in politics. But they should be the last on the list of citizens who should have a salary increase, said Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani on Friday.

“Any politician who says that salary is not important to them is not sending a good message, because they probably have another source. I have no other source of living than this salary. But from an ethical point of view, I think that politicians should be the last on the list of citizens who should have an increase in salaries, after everyone’s salaries are increased, then politicians will also get an increase. It is demagoguery for someone to say that the salary is not important to them in these difficult times for all citizens,” Osmani replied to the media.

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