Architects from Italy interested in creating an urban plan for a Skopje municipality


Thirty-five architecture students from Italy, along with their professors from the Faculty of Architecture Polytechnic of Turin, accompanied by the deputy ambassador of Italy to N. Macedonia, Mario De Rosa, visited Kisela Voda Municipality.

Interested in the International Contest for an idea solution for Rasadnik, they came to see this city quarter in person and to get information about some details about the contest.

As informed by their professor Alessandro Armando, they are fourth-year students, and they will work on the plan for Rasadnik for a whole semester, so this visit has an invaluable meaning for them, as future architects and possible applicants for the competition. Of course, the professional public from Italy is also interested in the competition.

The international competition for a conceptual solution for a detailed urban plan – DUP for Rasadnik is also supported by UNDP. This organization will provide expert support, promote it through its international offices and ensure greater transparency by including observers in the entire process.


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