Ruskovska accuses of pressure to drop the case against Rashkovski


Public  Prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska told Telma TV that the proposal for her dismissal was the result of the investigation that she, as the head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, opened for former general secretary in Zoran Zaev’s Government, Dragi Rashkovski.

She was pressured and treatened to give up her position as head prosecutor, and in return she was offered to become the deputy public prosecutor. With these offers, as he said, “they wanted to trick me, and that is the beginning of the preliminary investigation for the then director of the Financial Police, Arafat Muaremi”, reported Telma.

Ruskovska assumes that with the offer of those higher positions, if she had accepted them, she might have had to withdraw, that is, to give up the investigation into the case against Rashkovski.



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