VMRO-DPMNE: It’s good that Grubi is aware that he will end up in prison, he even determined the amount of the sentence himself


It is good that Artan Grubi is aware that he will end up in prison, even he determined the amount of the sentence himself. He lies rudely and therefore ruffles feathers. If he wasn’t lying, he should have answered: Why did they accept to suspend continental law and for Bechtel and Enka to apply Anglo-Saxon law? Why will illegal constructions and legal buildings be legalized at the same prices? Why will the state pay for all the design mistakes of Bechtel and Enka, ie. the citizens? Will Grubi and Kovachevski accept to pay the penalties from their own pockets for the obligation they undertook to increase the hours of the working week?, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Tuesday.



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