SDSM urges VMRO-DPMNE to tell which committee should review the Corridors contract as soon as possible


Since VMRO-DPMNE demanded that the Corridors contract be reviewed, they themselves decide which committee, when and where they want it to be reviewed, to make a decision on how to proceed in the Parliament and to do it as soon as possible, replied the coordinator the SDSM MP group, Jovan Mitreski to a media question.

“Their aim is obviously to continue speculation, that the contract should be given for consideration for several days. Although they know that according to the legal provisions for classified information and the Government Decree passed in 2004 for this type of contract, this is not possible. That’s why I appeal to VMRO-DPMNE to tell which commission and where they want the contract to be reviewed and that it be as soon as possible. Only in that way will we stop all speculations with the biggest infrastructure project since independence until today,” said MP Mitreski.



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