SDS and DUI systematically degrade UKIM, the university ranks 1990th in the world, says Miteva


The quality of education with SDS and DUI is in constant decline. The quality of the education received by the pupils and students for the last 6 years, from year to year, is getting worse, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva told a press conference on Wednesday.

“The latest ranking by the World University Rankings Center sees the University of St. Cyril and Methodius. From the disastrous 1964th place in which UKIM was positioned last year, it is now in 1990th place. The decline in this list has been continuous since 2019, and is a total drop of 174 places. UKIM is behind the regional universities that used to be its competition. Namely with SDS and DUI, UKIM is behind the universities in Belgrade, which is ranked at a high 362, behind the University of Ljubljana, which is at a high 428, behind Zagreb, but also behind Novi Sad and Rijeka, which are below the 1000th place. With SDS and DUI in power, UKIM is also behind the universities in cities like Kragujevac, behind the University of Nish, which is in 1688th place, and the University of Osijek, which is in 1925th place. What is important is to note that when ranking universities, they are evaluated according to four measures: education, employment opportunities, teaching and research,” said opposition spokesperson Miteva.

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