Ambassador Aggeler is confident that the process in which Bechtel was involved has been fully transparent


U.S. Ambassador to the country Angela Aggeler is confident that the process in which Bechtel was involved has been fully transparent and fully above board because that is how they operate, otherwise they wouldn’t have projects all over the world and here in the Western Balkans.
Her attending the event for the beginning of the construction of the highways that will be part of the corridors, according to her, speaks of her pro-American business orientation.
Aggeler pointed out that in the Embassy they do everything they can to help promote American investment in the country. Aggeler stressed that it is not only good for the American investors and the American companies, but it’s very good for the citizens of the country.
The ambassador expressed her disappointment because the opposition criticizes the project without having all the facts and information, stressing that it does so for political reasons, to get political points.

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