Lead, cadmium and arsenic, heavy metals harmful to health found in tomatoes and cucumbers


Lead, cadmium and arsenic, heavy metals harmful to human health, were found in tomato and cruciferous vegetables, according to the new analysis reports made by the State Phytosanitary Laboratory. The reports that reached me are about the analysis of the determination of macro and micro elements and trace elements and the presence of heavy metals was detected in tomato and cruciferous vegetables, head of the VMRO – DPMNE Commission for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Cvetan Tripunovski stated at a press conference on Friday.
“In this analysis of tomato, the presence of cadmium was ascertained, of the maximum allowed amounts of 0.05 measuring units, in the report, 1.34 measuring units were detected. This is 27 times over the allowed amounts that this product should have,” said Tripunovski.

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