Parliamentary Support Program survey:  Citizens with low confidence in Parliament and MPs


Citizens have low confidence in the Parliament and MPs, shows the research of the Program for Parliamentary Support for the work of the Parliament of the Macedonia, which was presented in the Parliament to the MPs and representatives of the parliamentary services. On a scale from 1 – the lowest to 10 – the highest, the citizens rated the trust in the Parliament with 3.4, which is a drop of 0.6 compared to 2022.

The research analyzes the citizens’ perceptions of the work of the Parliament in general, starting with the trust in the Parliament compared to other authorities, the supervisory role of the Parliament, who the deputies represent, the functions of the Parliament, awareness of the work of the legislature, as well as other reform processes key to promotion of the work of the Parliament.

This research includes a field survey conducted between February 22 and March 9, 2023 and nine focus groups, which were conducted in April 2023.


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