Stefkovski announces “Gazi Baba 2023” summer program, the largest construction offensive in the Municipality


The Mayor of Gazi Baba Municipality Boban Stefkovski in a video address to the residents of the municipality, announced the working summer program “Gazi Baba 2023” within the framework of which the largest construction offensive in Gazi Baba Municipality will be realized.
“We started with the construction of a new network of fecal sewage in the length of 9 kilometers, we opened a school hall at the “Kiril i Metodij” elementary school, we also started the construction of a new hall for the” Naum Ohridski” school in Bulachani. We asphalted local streets in Brnjarci, Bulacani, Chento, Indzhikovo and Vinice on a total area of about 7000 square meters. We built a new sports complex in Stajkovci. We opened a new sensory room in the “Naum Naumovski Borche” school, etc. We also provide a free kindergarten for children from welfare families, and the Gazi Baba PUC is getting a new operational center, the first of its kind in the Republic of Macedonia,” Stefkovski said in in the video.

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