There is a well-founded suspicion that steps are being taken to undermine national security, claims Petrushevski


We have a well-founded suspicion that steps are being taken to undermine national security, opening the door for the abuse of the mechanisms for monitoring the communications of over 2 million citizens, pointed out VMRO-DPMNE MP Brane Petrushevski on Friday.
“The Committee on Oversight of the Implementation of Measures for Interception of Communications has established serious suspicion that the Operational Technical Agency, OTA, has violated Article 2 of the Law on Communications Monitoring, i.e. it has made an illegal purchase of means for monitoring communications that may be misused and the procurement is without the appropriate approval provided for in paragraph 2 of this article. Such a violation of the Law opens the possibility of endangering national security and the security of citizens, as well as a violation of human freedoms and rights established by the Constitution,” said the opposition MP.

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