Pendarovski on the Zaev case: the Austrian ambassador is right


I am following the case from the media reports so far. Comments that this might be interference in our internal affairs are odd. It is not a matter of interfering in internal affairs. It is the legitimate duty of every embassy. Our ambassadors who are abroad and represent our country, also have a duty to protect the interests of the private businesses of our citizens abroad, not only the institutions of the country they represent, Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski said Wednesday in response to a media question about Austrian Ambassador Georg Woutsas’ open letter published on Tuesday.
The head of state mentioned that former PM Zoran Zaev also came out with a reaction on Tuesday pointing to an institutional resolution.
“We saw a reaction yesterday from the former prime minister, who pointed to an institutional resolution, so I expect the Macedonian institutions to establish whether there has really been disregard for international arbitration,” Pendarovski said.

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