Archbishop Stefan: We are gathered here to say YES to life and the sanctity of family formed between a man and a woman


Here we are, children of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, along with representatives of all churches and religious communities to say YES to life and the sanctity of the family formed by a man and a woman, to say that we will defend our dearest – the children from the unacceptable and ugly new ideologies, said MOC- AO head Archbishop Stefan at Thursday huge protest under the slogan “We Have Responsibility” in front of the Cathedral Church in Skopje against the new draft-Law on Gender Equality and Basic Evidence.

“We have gathered to dignifiedly and merrily embrace the entire world as the Lord’s creation, and to say that the Church is not protesting against no person, ot now and not ever, and it doesn’t rejects anyone. Its existence is a constant rebellion, but not against a human, but against the evil, the sin, and the death which, regretfully, are encompassing the world. Church’s only goal is to love and transform this world,” the Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia added.

Archbishop Stefan stressed that “the world today is occupied by a new ideological propaganda, the real face of which we can see in our society, too. They are trying to subvert the term gender, which is selected intentionally. It has a nice context, but the intentions of the new theoreticians and ideologues will bring nothing good.”

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