Kovachki: Ali Ahmeti’s nephew with the company that bought Soravia works on Corridor 8


Ali Ahmeti’s nephew Drin, and his company that bought the business center Soravia, is hired as subcontractor on the construction of the controversial highway Corridor 8, VMRO-DPMNE MP Dragan Kovachki revealed on Tuesday.

“Documents sent to us by whistleblowers reveal that Drin Ahmeti’s company Thor Industries is formed in 2020 to take part in the large infrastructure projects that should be implemented in Macedonia in the following years. Drin Ahmeti and Thor Industries, along with another company from the Ahmeti clan that we will soon present in details, are involved in the construction of Corridor 8. The contracts that both companies have signed for dirt digging are worth €1.3 million,” said Kovachki.

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