Ali Ahmeti’s nephew is also involved as a subcontractor on Corridor 8 and other roads throughout the country, says opposition


Opposition party VMRO-DPMNE revealed public documents according to which Thor Industries, Drin Ahmeti’s company, was established in 2020 to participate in the large construction projects planned by the government in Macedonia.
Thor Industries, along with another company from the Zajas clan, is involved in the construction of Corridor 8, and the contract between the two companies is 1.3 million euros for excavation and other construction works.
“In addition to Corridor 8, Thor Industries, the company owned by Ali Ahmeti’s nephew, Drin Ahmeti, is also involved in the construction of the road from Kichevo to Debar, specifically the Izvor – Garski Most section. Just like in Corridor 8, in this section Ali Ahmeti’s nephew is involved with another company from the Zajas clan, and the funds they need to seize, according to the documents submitted to us, are between 6 and 9 million euros,” VMRO-DPMNE accused.

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