Inflation drops to 9.3 percent – single digit percentage since the start of the energy crisis


Inflation went into single digits. State Statistics Office (SSO) calculated 9.3% in June. There is also a slight decline in the consumer basket. According to the numbers, over 48,500 MKD are needed to get through the month. It is lower by about 500 MKD compared to May. However, an average household had to allocate 300 MKD more for food and drinks, that is, about 20 thousand MKD. In practice, one minimum living costs basket cannot even be filled with two minimum wages.
Statistics show that food has become more expensive in one year. Bread and cereals are sold at an increased price of almost 27%. Milk, cheese and eggs went up by almost 26%, meat over 25%. Only oils and fats decreased by 5.3%.

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