If ERC accepts the demands of the companies, heating will go up by over 50 percent, the price will be known in 10 days


If the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) accepts the requests of the heat energy supply companies, steam could become more expensive by over 50 percent, TV Telma reports.
The companies have already submitted their calculations to the commission, and two of the three ESM steam companies are asking for an increase. Calculations were submitted by ESM Energetika and Skopje Sever. RKE will take a good look at their costs and in about 10 days, the new price of the heating would be known, which will be valid from the first of August. The VAT for thermal energy, on the other hand, remains at 5 percent, and for now there is no announcement that it will change.
What the price of gas will be in the next period will depend on the European countries.

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