Ademi: Two MPs left the DUI MP group


Two MPs from the ranks of DUI left the party’s MP group in Parliament, the coordinator of the DUI MP group, Arbr Ademi, confirmed Tuesday.
The two MPs are Izet Mezhiti, who announced on Monday the formation of a new political movement and Merita Kolci Koxhaxhiku, as well as Kastriot Rexhepi who joined them earlier.
At a press conference in the Parliament, to asked whether, as of today, three MPs from DUI are no longer part of their MP group and whether this means that the MP group of this party is disintegrating, Ademi indicated that it was only two MPs, and the third, Kastriot Rexhepi, acted as an independent MP, and was on the SDSM list, expressing regret that they were informed about it by the media.

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