EU diplomats warn that without constitutional amendments, Albania will continue its path alone towards Brussels


The constitutional changes are part of the agreement made between North Macedonia and the EU to progress with an automatic beginning of the accession process. There is no further demand. If the constitutional changes are not adopted before the end of the year, the risk of decoupling North Macedonia and Albania does exist, France’s Secretary of State for Europe, Laurence Boone, told MIA.

All 27 EU member states stand behind the negotiating framework, the conditions are spelled out, the reform pace determines the pace into the EU, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, Anna Lührmann.

France’s Secretary of State for Europe, Laurence Boone, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union, Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk, were also part of the conversation. The so-called Weimar Triangle visited the country this week on a diplomatic mission to convey a clear message from Berlin, Paris and Warsaw that the country’s path forward towards European integration is through the adoption of the constitutional amendments.

In the past two weeks, six ministers from EU member states arrived in Skopje with a mission to convince the opposition to agree to constitutional amendments as the last chance for N. Macedonia on the EU path. Although VMRO-DPMNE maintains the position that its MPs will not vote for changing the Constitution under the Bulgarian mandate, they have announced their participation in the Commission on Constitutional Affairs to highlight their arguments against the process.


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